Yasuna Iman

Yasuna is a multidisciplinary artist based in Berlin. Developing aN abstract language between the unseen and the tangible, she works with raw materials sourced in Nature.

For Yasuna, the creative process usually begins in the woodlands. There, she harvests soils, twigs, leaves, stones, and observes their interactions in the studio after. Her work is a mirror of the life that is endlessly growing and dying around us. The tension between strong and fragile, light and dense is translated into textures, materials, pigments, and shapes.

‘There is nothing quite like the intimacy of feeling all of the material directly on your skin, to understand what it does, where it leads.’

Intentional about always involving nature in the narrative of her work, she uses hands as the main tool. In a slow and conscious manner, she follows ancient traditions and techniques of creation, imbuing the artwork with meditative and elemental qualities. Yasuna’s aim is to connect human to nature through her art.


Johanna Dumet


Nazara Lazaro