Veronika Janovec

Veronika is a sculptor and multidisiplinary artist based in Berlin. With her objects she aims to find a symbiosis between process and form.

Working with different forms, textures and colors Veronika follows her intuition when creating her abstract sculptures. With different ideas and an aesthetic that suggests life-forming forces as erosion, sedimentation, stratification, growth, the work itself often generates during the creative process. Some pieces, for example, change their whole character after glazing and into a whole new object than initially planned.

Her studies in architecture sparked the interest in sculptures. Shortly after an internship at Tezontle studio in Mexico City, Veronika's focus turned purely into creating objects, which are now signature for her art. Connection of architecture and sculptures is a big part of her practice, which emphasizes the relationship between land and space. To her, it's objects that make the room and it’s their aggregation and arrangement that creates the atmosphere.


Ia Kutateladze


Johanna Dumet