Marta Cascales Alimbau

Pianist and composer from Barcelona, Marta creates music with classical roots and a contemporary and minimalistic approach. Her music is like a calming refuge; like a sound that blends with the silence.


What is your ritual to connect with your inner self?

Sometimes (re)connecting with my inner self it can just be go for a walk and go see the sea. I need to spend a lot of time by myself and I’ve noticed that when I do that I live more connected with my inner self. At the same time, sharing feelings and thoughts with other like-minded people also help me to reconnect with what it’s already inside of me. I also write on my journey my thoughts and emotions - without judging them - and that helps me a lot to see with clarity. And then, for sure, the piano. Sitting on the piano and play always reminds me of my joy.

Which is your relation between the creator and the muse? What is to be a Muse who inspires people?

It’s a very magical relation, it’s something that really fascinates me. As a creator I sometimes don’t really understand how I created that melody, or that chord progression… I like to believe that I somehow “discover” the pieces, as if they were already there - “somewhere” -, and I just put the pieces together. It’s like a mystery, I like to think it like this.

Now I am even more aware of how much I can inspire people and I take it as my mission too. Through my music I express the joy to be alive, the gift to feel, experience, connect with people; and specially love, I put all my love in my music and so it’s a way to spread love. 


“Through my music I express the joy to be alive, the gift to feel, experience, connect with people; and specially love, I put all my love in my music and so it’s a way to spread love.”

What is for you to be free? How do you experience freedom?

To be free means to be brave and confident to let you be truly yourself, without thinking about approval from the exterior. And now that I think about it, I do experience freedom when I create music, since I freely chose to dedicate my life to this art and I experience total freedom when I decide how I want to fill the silence with sound.

Who is your biggest Muse? 

My dear sister Carla Cascales Alimbau. 

Discover more about Marta:



Nadiia Shapoval


Laura Veraguas