Laura Veraguas

Laura is a more than a Chef. She is a thinker, a creative and a passionate who just launched her new gastronomic project born during the lockdown, in partnership with Andrea Escriche. Ver Aguas arises from the need to renew our gaze towards the vegetable world and its intelligence to transform it into social food. It is the meeting point between the values that strengthen us collectively and the gastronomy that represents them.


How do you define your project?

Ver Aguas is an unpretentious, natural and organic way of expression that takes the form of food for our society and which is accompanied by a set of values that are essential for me.

What is the origin of your project?

The origin was the emotional chaos that was then transformed into concentration, alignment and coherence. It ended up materialising in a connection of the Human Being with Nature.

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I feel like I’m a nexus between human beings and food.

How do you contribute to shape the future?

I feel like I’m a nexus between human beings and food. Providing the ability for food to travel. Indexing human and food.

What is your biggest muse?


Discover more about Laura



Pictures by Beatriz Janer


Marta Cascales Alimbau


Noémie Saglio