Charlotte Klobassa

Photo by Nora Heinisch

Charlotte is an Austrian painter based in Vienna and Berlin. Her art is constantly challenging the audience, leaving them a space for interpretation. 

Coming from an art loving family of creatives, Charlotte used to sneak into her grandfather's studio to draw as a child. Intrigued by textile and different materials she has a background in fashion, which influenced her artwork as well. Shortly after university she shifted from designing and came back to her childhood passion, painting. Currently represented by Zeller van Almsick, her work has been part of solo and group exhibitions across Europe as well as Art Fairs.

At first glance the paintings may appear abstract, but upon closer inspection they prove to be figurative. In her work, Charlotte draws inspiration from collected pieces of paper from stationery shops and scribbles, which she later translates onto large scale canvases. Her unpredictable creative process is constantly challenging the audience. Balancing between taking and losing control over painting, Charlotte reflects on how each individual brushstroke works with others and how at the end they all connect together.

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