Sophia Pega

Sophia Pega a visual artist, focused on figurative and symbolic painting and drawing. She is moved by the beauty of the stories behind everyday objects and spaces, which she uses to capture specific and meaningful memories. She also has a thing with photography and non daily written diaries that helps her backup her work.

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How do you define your art?

My pieces are an ensemble of past and present experiences that I collect with the aim of documenting important moments of my life from a very subjective perspective. Iā€™m trying to create shortcuts through my drawings and paintings that will allow me to connect with those timelapses in the future. 

What is your ritual to connect with your inner self?

I tend to create atmosphere bubbles that fit my moods and enable me to focus on my emotions, feel them consciously and reflect on them. I may light some candles, play electronic music, sit on my carpet or smoke a cigar at the balcony. Anything that helps to hold the feelings running inside. Bubbles can be very fragile. 

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I tend to create atmosphere bubbles that fit my moods and enable me to focus on my emotions, feel them consciously and reflect on them.

What is for you to be free? How do you experience freedom?

To be free is to connect lightly and fluently with my thoughts and feelings, to be in peace with myself.

Freedom is when I step into deep nature after being apart from it for a long time. The enlightenment that I feel when the city stays behind and suddenly the only things that matters are the air and the space and the trees or the sea and the earth or the sand. 

Who is your biggest Muse? 

Experiences. Memories. Longings.

Discover more about Sophia



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