Dawn is a Multidisciplinary artist based in Austin, texas. Her vibrant Paintings on a bold background explore ideas of identity and human persona.

Influenced by punk, hip-hop, and fashion photography Dawn utilizes bold colors, movement and textures to capture the spirit of her subject on the canvas. She continues to experiment with her creativity, for example by creating sculptural work that challenges notions of acceptable black beauty or decorative headpieces.

“I want my work to be accessible in different ways, more ingrained into other pieces of culture, other than just being on white walls.”

Taking a rather untraditional route in her creative journey, Dawn graduated from law school. While studying, she couldn't completely give up on her art and kept working on side projects such as painting children portraits for her coworkers at law internship. Working at a courtroom didn't feel like her true calling and so Dawn dove back into art. For seven years, she balanced two challenging careers, a full-time artist and a full-time journalist. Always testing the limits of herself, each new project explores different techniques or mediums and breaks boundaries set by others.


Ana Barboza Gubo


Ayumi Paul