Julia Mariscal

The work of Julia Mariscal focuses on the concept of porosity and nomadism. Julia has recently performed at Teatre Lliure, Centro del Carmen and at Swab Art Fair.

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How do you define your art?

My work is a proposal, a proposed space for people to inhabit it.

What are the origins of your creation? 

Here is an example of how is my work process; it can start in a quotidian scene, like when you are cooking and you put water to boil in a pot. As a consequence, the room temperature starts to rise, the space that you are inhabiting is warming up like the water is. There is a relation between the outer space and your body.

As the heat surrounds you, the kitchen becomes a comfort space, like a capsule.

When the water starts to heat up the sphere that are slowly appearing on the surface start to break. We understand from the resulting shape that the heat is coming from below. In my reasoning, I compare it with the act of breastfeeding. When you are breastfeeding a baby the impulse (pulsión) of the milk comes from the inside of the mother, breaking the breast’s porous to enter the baby. The fluid in between the two bodies/persons contains lots of information. A communication between the two through the liquid, a fact that escapes our control even our knowledge. (And its is something that always fascinated me.)

I connect this two images through the idea of heat and where is the origin of the pulse, the energy from below to up & inside to outside. Visually these two stories they relate to each other and I can depart from this to create a new work.

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The muses are the persons that I meet along the way that are listening to their internal flame. The same flame that sits in the middle of the earth and that relates to every human being on earth.

As Simone de Beauvoir said, were you born as a woman or did you become a woman?

Set your desires to one side, for one moment. Learn to feel your bones.

My uncle once told me a story about the Indigenous tribes in Peru, he said that they believe that before you are born, you make a deal or an agreement with the mystery. You say: I want to do this in my life. And then the mystery say OK, and there you go. What I’ve been noticing is that many cultures talk about this idea that we are less in control that we actually think we are. 

Who is your biggest Muse?

Let me throw the question back to you.

No one can have the power to be and represent the muse. As the hierarchy that implies clashes with my understanding of how we should learn to understand life. If we understand that there is no hierarchy that organises us. It is impossible to conceive the idea of a muse, a unique person, and give the magic to One Name.

The drawing of the result is not a pyramid but a circle. A changing figure, in constant change. The muse are the persons that I meet along the way that are listening to their internal flame. The same flame that sits in the middle of the earth and that relates to every human being on earth. Welcoming every single step that each of us take. Allowing us to be free and act without the comparison to another.

Discover more about Julia



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