Cóco Fernández

Cóco Fernández (Spain,1989) is an artist inspired by the concepts of originality and imperfection. The abstracts shapes that form part of her work speak of some transcendental experiences from her past, of important people from her environment, places, etc. Flowers, plants and landscapes are especially inspiring for her. 

Coco Fernandez- Muses of Now

What are the origins of your creation?

The origins of this project are actually a bit sad, but this is a reality that from all crises, we can get very positive results. As the one we are experiencing now. A few years ago I had a pretty big crisis. Cóco Fernández was the result of investigating where I wanted to focus my creativity because I felt it wanted to go out and expressed itself, but I didn't know very well in which way. 

What would you say to a woman who think to become an artist? 

I would tell her to try, to try millions of things. Creativity can grow and take millions ways and forms. Many times it can be overwhelming to want to do "something creative" but without knowing how to take it out of you. For me, the solution is to try millions of techniques, also from different branches, because you never know where you are going to feel really comfortable.

Freedom for me is being able to create what I want at any moment, without pressure.

What is for you to be free? How do you experience freedom?

This question is complex as there are many ways to understand it. Of course now, in this precise moment that we are living, feeling free means being able to be where I want when I want and to share my time with whoever I want. But being a little more abstract, freedom for me is being able to create what you want at any moment, without pressure.

Who is your biggest Muse?

I think my contemporary muse would be Blanca Miró Skoudy. I love the way she fits everything she does. For me it plays perfectly in the fine line between art and design. I find it fabulous.


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Júlia Casamitjana


Salima Issaoui